Lasting Powers of Attorney and Court of Protection applications.
Our experienced team are experts in dealing with both the registration of Lasting Powers of Attorney and cases surrounding applications to The Court of Protection.
We can guide you through the process of making a Lasting Power of Attorney for finance and for health and welfare and ensure that the LPA is tailored to you exact requirements. A Lasting Power of Attorney ensures that you have appointed someone to assist with the management of your finances or in making health and care decisions should you require the same in the future.
We are also able to deal with the registration of old style Enduring Powers of Attorney with the Office of the Public Guardian at such time as this may be required if someone loses capacity.
In the event someone does not have a Lasting Power of Attorney in place and has lost capacity, we are able to make an application on your behalf to the Court of Protection for the appointment of a Deputy and our specialist team also offer Professional Deputyship services together with Professional Attorney services in managing finances.
Lasting Powers of Attorney
Covering either or both, health and welfare and financial affairs, a lasting power of attorney provides a way for a nominated party to act on your behalf when you lack the capacity to do so.
Often these documents are associated with older people or those with an illness, but they are equally suited to all individuals as once registered they only become active as required. We can provide help and advice regarding both documents to ensure you and your loved ones best interests are properly catered for.
We act as Professional Attorneys for a number of people to assist them with managing their financial affairs when they do not feel they have someone they could appoint to such a position. We have extensive experience in this area and offer a personalized service to assist as much or as little as is required. We liaise as necessary in this regard with Social services, Local Care Homes and Care providers to ensure our clients needs are met. We carry out regular Welfare checks to ensure care needs are always met.
Court of Protection
Disputes regarding mental capacity can be difficult for family members, health care professionals and most importantly the individual themselves.
The Court of Protection provides a specialised environment for solving such disputes and ultimately providing decisions on what is indeed in the individual concerned best interests. We are happy to assist you with applications to the Court of Protection for appointment of a Deputy where a person lacks capacity to make a Lasting Power of Attorney to deal with this and we are also happy to act as Professional Deputies. Such appointment is of course under the supervision of the Court and we liaise with all appropriate bodies to ensure our client’s care needs are met and their finances looked after properly. This includes liaison with such as Social Services and Independent Financial Advisors. We already offer this service to a number of clients and have extensive experience in this area.
We can provide our help and expertise both prior to an application to the Court of Protection and throughout formal court proceedings where required.

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